How to Make Your Marketing Team Even Smarter By Promoting Knowledge
Chances are, you’re already working with a smart marketing team. But for your marketing team to be successful and keep ahead of your competitors, you need to be even smarter. As a marketer, you need to build a plan for how you can get heard and connect with your customers in the world that is so full of information. We’ll show you how you can do this by developing and sharing knowledge in your workplace.
There are many benefits to developing and sharing knowledge within your marketing team. While knowledge hoarding can be a real problem and nurture negative working attitudes; knowledge sharing and development can spark new ideas, drive your team forward and make your team feel valuable. Below you’ll find examples of how you can promote education within your marketing team.
1. Send a Weekly Link Roundup
We all know that reading books can make us smarter. Reading online articles can also be an excellent way to expand your knowledge on a daily basis. One of the easiest ways to share, build and develop knowledge internally through reading, is by sending emails that contain links to interesting articles. Share articles, literature or links to interesting websites that you found most useful when you were becoming an expert in your area.
Link roundup emails are also a great way for sharing articles and information about the latest news and changes in your industry or in marketing. Some of the world’s most creative people attribute the development of new ideas to reading! Therefore, by sharing any blog posts, you find that might be of use to your team members you can develop new ideas and creative more innovative marketing campaigns in the future.
2. Hold a Workshop or Attend a Webinar
Holding a workshop on relevant subject areas can promote knowledge in your working team. You can also use such workshops to encourage team building and bonding too. Find expert speakers on the trending areas that you want to cover, or even find someone within your team to present a workshop about their expert area.
If you’re not up to holding a workshop, keep an eye out for online webinars that could be relevant for promoting new knowledge in your marketing team. There are dozens of marketing webinars happening each week all over the web, on a variety of different subjects. Most are only an hour long and jam-packed with information, so are well worth attending.
3. Find Knowledge Gaps
Often finding out where gaps in knowledge lie can be the best way to fill them. Take a look and see where your team could improve, or ask them. Ask your team members about which topics they would like to know more about, or feel they’re lacking in knowledge. This way you can make your team stronger, plus give your colleagues that chance to do something they want to do. Remember to see if you have the resources and knowledge internally first before outsourcing it.
4. Encourage External Education
Often, to develop more knowledge within a company, it is essential in building new knowledge from external sources. There is a variety of different ways that you can do this. It can be as simple as alerting relevant co-workers about upcoming webinars or other events that they might be interested in attending. Or it could even go as far as to develop an educational program to help generate and maintain new knowledge about market trends and changes. Such encouragement will help your marketing team to succeed, and make them feel that their company wants them to grow and thrive. What’s more, is that this new knowledge can be shared later and developed internally.
5. Reward Learning
A critical part of promoting knowledge and making it a success in your marketing team is by getting your team on board with the idea of it. Many will find the opportunity to share their knowledge enough reward your team, but starting an initiative to reward learning can help to promote education in the long term, and your team will feel appreciated. Saying “thank you” is important and can be done in some different ways. Saying thanks for sharing knowledge can be as simple as actively recognising a team member’s efforts, or can be more extravagant, such as presenting a gift to someone who ran a workshop.
Finally, to start promoting knowledge sharing and development, begin by using small steps such as sharing links or webinar information. This will help your team to acclimatise to this new approach of working, without feeling as though it is any extra effort!
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