Rebranding for success: merging Com Hem and Tele2

Rebranding for success: merging Com Hem and Tele2

Rebranding is a process that can make or break an organisation. It’s a project that is years in the making. And requires the very best people and tools to get the job done as smoothly as possible.

One such organisation that successfully rebranded is Swedish company Tele2. In the Spring of 2021 it merged its fixed broadband and TV operation products from Com Hem, with its mobile operation, Tele2, under a new and upgraded Tele2 brand.

Therefore, we are delighted that Bannerflow played its part in the relaunch!  How? Through the updating of live advertising and the creation of hundreds of new ads for the newly merged operation.

We spoke to Elina Soreby, Brand Manager at Tele2 about the rebrand and the challenges of such an important undertaking.

Elina Soreby interview image

What were the challenges when rebranding Com Hem to Tele2?

Elina Soreby, Brand Manager, Tele2: The challenge for our team was that we wanted to modernise our graphic identity. While at the same time merging our different offers, media plans, sales peak seasons, and introducing our new brand to the market. It was our biggest release and launch ever!

Additionally, all external marketing brand touch points such as 1:1 communication, Tele2 stores, landlords, retail, the website and all internal communication were to go live at the same time. Coordinating this seamlessly as we transitioned to one brand was both a great and interesting challenge!

How did display advertising help promote the rebrand?

Elina Soreby: Tele2 uses display advertising a lot. We produce many different formats every month and it’s a great way to promote our different offers and products.

Therefore, it was a central part of our marketing mix when promoting the rebrand and communicating that Tele2 and Com Hem were becoming one.

Tele2 ad example

How important is it working simultaneously across formats and channels for campaigns?

Elina Soreby: It is very important for us to have easy, and simultaneous tools such as Bannerflow. Especially as it enables us to create the volume of ad formats we need on time. In particular, Bannerflow helps us to be effective across many different connected areas.

For example, the process of digital material production, having an overview of all digital materials, and providing live feedback on all formats. Additionally, the process of quickly delivering the formats helps us in our daily work – no matter if it’s a rebranding campaign, a launch campaign, or hardware sale.

How did you prepare for rebranding across your different advertising channels?

Elina Soreby: Firstly, we had weekly syncs in the marketing advertising team focused specifically on the rebranding campaign. We also aligned with different areas in the organisation such as UX, content, as well as weekly media syncs.

In addition, we had primary syncs with our media agency who helped us prepare our different media channels. Even with the ongoing pandemic, we were able to stay on track by helping each other and working closely across different forums – making sure we were aligned in our messaging as much as possible.

During the pandemic, how important was it to stay hyper relevant and get messages out quickly?

Elina Soreby: It’s always important to get out messages quickly. Yet it was more of a challenge due to the pandemic and adapting to new ways of working. Therefore, we were extremely happy to have got both the release and rebranding out as quickly as we could – and as close to our original plan as possible.

The launch was on the 27th of April, and thanks to a great team effort on the day everything went smoothly. Since then, we have updated all our creative materials and maintained our discipline across our messaging regarding Tele2’s rebrand.

How has technology enabled your team to maintain standards and work together?

Elina Soreby: Technology, such as Bannerflow, has helped our team to remain efficient. Plus, enable us to focus on our goals across our communication and message.

Since we worked from home during Spring 2021, we needed tools that gave us a clear overview of all the materials we were working on at the same time too.

Indeed, for us production can be a complicated process. For example, when producing material with four different main messages (which for us means over 100 formats), materials must be sent to different key stakeholders, reviewed and then updated before delivery to our media agency. This process takes time.

What made you realise Bannerflow was the right solution for your organisation?

Elina Soreby: Bannerflow is a great solution for our organisation since we work with so many different channels and formats. Every month we produce many new creatives due to new campaign periods. Therefore, it was important we had a more efficient way of working as we were previously only producing one format at a time.

What do you see as the ingredients for creating a memorable digital campaign that performs?

Elina Soreby: We believe in a marketing mix that helps us reach our target group through different channels. A great message, an attractive offer, and a story that creates an emotional connection to the viewer. These elements all help to make a campaign memorable.

Next steps

If you would like to see for yourself how the Bannerflow platform can benefit your business, then apply for a demo now. Our experts are ready to help you and find the best solution for your advertising needs.

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