Best Display Campaign of Summer 2021: Telenor

Best Display Campaign of Summer 2021: Telenor

Our Summer 2021 winner of our best display advertising campaign competition was a neat blend of brand and an engaging summer feeling! Congratulations to Telenor for it’s summer campaign for the Swedish market.


Telenor is a leading Nordic telecommunications company in mobile, broadband and TV services, as well as other ventures. Worldwide, Telenor Group has 188 million customers, with Sweden just one of its markets in the Nordic region.

We spoke to Digital Designer at Telenor, Kristel Thalström about creating display campaigns at scale and how she designed the winning display ad. In particular, just how she was able to inject a warm flavour into the campaign!

Telenor best banner interviewee image

How does Telenor Sweden use display advertising as part of its marketing mix?

Kristel Thalström, Digital Designer, Telenor: We use it for both our upper funnel and tactical marketing. Our full upper funnel is usually made by an external studio, so ours is more of the tactical marketing parts. And we use display advertising heavily for general campaigns, like the summer campaign, or our winter campaigns, such as black week. We also use it for new launches and campaigns for TV or streaming services too.

What was the purpose of this campaign and how did this translate into design challenges?

Kristel Thalström: For the summer campaign we wanted to have a summer feel but still keep the Telenor identity without making it feel too cluttered. The template for our ads is clean and simple – especially in our banners. We will always have our logo, the campaign creative, the copy and then an image of a phone or another product. So there are already a lot of elements.

Example of Telenor drafting process

An example of the Telenor drafting process


We created the entire campaign in-house. We had a group meeting with all designers and content creators, discussing what we could do for the summer campaign. And we came up with our creative concept using our blue/black background still but using it more as a wave or sea and adding the little summer-specific illustrations.

When you were creating the ad, how did Bannerflow help?

Kristel Thalström: It simplifies the process. If I do one set and one banner, I simply put all the elements in the other sizes and then rearrange them to make them suitable. It’s far quicker than doing it manually in Photoshop or another programme. I get a good overview as well, as we have about 10 or 15 sizes for each campaign, meaning I can review each size, which is helpful. For example, with this campaign, for some of the sizes we had to remove the illustration because it just didn’t fit

Are the creative assets repurposed from your existing brand library?

Kristel Thalström: A mix I would say, because we use the same brand elements, like the logo and the site address and things such as the button. Therefore, I always start by dragging all of those in and then start adding the extra elements, be it an illustration, etc.

As a minimum: we always need the copy, the headline, and then the blue pattern and a nice graphic. Once that’s in, I start adding other elements.

Does the context of where your campaign is placed influence your ad designs?

Kristel Thalström: For sure, this especially the sizes we produce. Sometimes we scale up some things for the more difficult sizes, or maybe just remove elements. For example, some smaller sizes don’t have a CTA button because it is unnecessary due to the size of the ad.

Also, we try to keep our designs simple, as a lot of our ads are on really busy sites. Therefore, we don’t need to add tons of things because the viewer won’t see them anyway, because where they are viewing the ad is already too busy.

We try to keep it clean and simple. The viewer reads it once and then gets the information quickly – before clicking on the ad.

How do you tackle the design process of producing display campaigns?

Kristel Thalström: Usually I get all my information from copywriters, content creators and project leaders, or Head of Design. This is the campaign, this is the main focus, this is the phone, or devices, we are trying to highlight, etc. Then I take all of that information and try to place it as best I can in the banners – then it’s sign-off. So it’s very straightforward.

We don’t have a strict approval process, sometimes we share how it’s going to look. Or if we have a problem, the brand name is too long or the device image is a bit strange, then we consult our project leaders. For certain brands, we need approval and then it’s an external feedback process. Often we will act on the feedback, usually about the copy or how the image of the device is placed.

When working on the design process which other tools, beyond Bannerflow, do you use?

Kristel Thalström: Usually we just work in Bannerflow. It’s a quite straightforward process where we have a focus and I just try to do it as digitally as possible. Sometimes we use pen and paper for the brainstorming sessions where we try to come up with concepts, but that’s not so much today.

What have been the most radical shifts in how you create campaigns?

Kristel Thalström: I actually started using Bannerflow when I started at Telenor a year and a half ago! I had never used it before. So a really big benefit for me was that it’s very self-explanatory, you barely just need the guidance! Here is the programme, you log in, and then you figure it out yourself. It’s very easy to use.

But I would say the major benefit for me is time and the exporting functionality. Sometimes I create sets for both display and social, which I can export as either still jpegs, or as movies as mp4. For me it’s a very easy tool and saves me a lot of time.

What big dates do you normally prepare for? And do you prepare?

Kristel Thalström: How I prepare is usually based on the campaigns that are decided. So in that way I can’t really prepare until I get information! But in general, we always set out time for Black Friday or black week, Christmas and Christmas sales. And then summer sales as well. They are our big regular events of the season. And then of course, there are iPhone launches, and Samsung ones too, which are the major device brands that are important for us.

How has the pandemic affected how you work as a team?

Kristel Thalström: Well, I was hired in May last year during the pandemic. So I have rarely met my colleagues more than once or twice. Meaning we’ve done everything online, and you know what, it’s gone surprisingly well! Though it took a few weeks to get into it, adjusting to all the Teams meetings and how to use Bannerflow.

How has Bannerflow helped you take your designs to a higher level?

Kristel Thalström: I would definitely say the video plug-in. It’s great to be able to have devices that are moving or illustrations that are animated in our banners and still keeping the weight of the ad really low. That’s perfect for us.

As a designer, how do you continue to find inspiration for your work?

Kristel Thalström: I think it’s just keeping updated on what’s happening with other brands and the world in general, then always keeping your eyes open. Looking at what competitors are doing, but also looking at what other brands not in your area are doing too.

Maybe it could be the way the copy in the ad is animated – if it’s really effectual then it does not matter if it’s from a mobile device or a dishwasher. You don’t have to look for inspiration if you always keep your eyes open.

Take the next step

If you would like to find out more information about you too can create display advertising that engages, then get in touch. Or if you would like to see how Bannerflow Creative Studio works, apply for a demo now!

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